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This course is designed to provide entry-level installers with the background,
knowledge and basic skills needed to function safely and effectively as
part of a cabling installation team. The BICSI Installer 1 Training course is the
introductory course of the Installation Program series.
Course Highlights
This course provides foundational
knowledge for entry-level
installers, including:
+ Professionalism at the work site
+ Transmission fundamentals
+ Safety practices and procedures
This course offers multiple opportunities
for hands-on practice. Learn to:
+ Pull cable
+ Perform multiple IDC terminations
(66, 110, LSA and BIX)
+ Terminate coaxial cable
+ Perform basic testing of copper
cabling installations
Participants must be able to:
+ Distinguish between different colors
+ Possess manual dexterity to complete
fine motor tasks
+ Stand for extended periods of time
(e.g., 30 minutes)
+ Climb ladders
+ Lift and carry items weighing
≈22.7 kg (50 lb)
Note: The BICSI Installer 1 exam is not included in the course fee. You must register for the exam separately.
Download an exam application at bicsi.org/installer1 or contact BICSI.
Prerequisites & Preparation
Little or no experience is needed to sit for this class. However, BICSI strongly
recommends reading the ITSIMM before coming to class and/or taking the exam.
In addition, some students may benefit from completing the online ICT Fundamentals
series through BICSI CONNECT prior to attending. For students who plan to take the
exam, BICSI recommends that examinees spend at least 50 hours studying the ITSIMM.
Order the ITSIMM online at bicsi.org/itsimm.