Your bot can send two types of message, a normal message (that looks like something you would type) an an embed message.
Discord Bot 30 MB. Sticky Open Source. By jtrent238 5 posts. Sticky Discord Bot Maker T-Shirt. By jtrent238 1 post.
1. Create embed - you must create an embed first. If you've not created an embed you won't be able to send it. THIS IMAGE is a full explaination of what the fields mean.For this example we'll use the following settings:
2. Add embed field OR set embed description - If you want to add more content to your embed you can add a field or description. You can do both if you wish as well. The main difference is that the Description field does not have a required header, as the 'embed title' is considered the header. the embed field item requires both a name and a description.For this example we'll use the following settings (Both an embed description AND an embed field):
3. Add a footer (with a script) - If you don't have DBM Mods you can add an embed footer with a script. This will add the authors username and avatar to the embed footer. If you want to add more text you can modify the script text.
Script Text:tempVars('e').setFooter(member.displayName,
Modified Script Text:tempVars('e').setFooter(member.displayName + ' Some Other Text',
4. Send the embed - after you've created the embed with all its fancy fields you must send it!DBM Defaults to 'Same Channel' which will send the embed to the same channel as the command message. You've got the same options here as you do a normal send-message. (If you send the message to a user the user will recieve a DM unless they have those blocked)
THE RESULT:If you've copied all of the steps above you should end up with an embed like this: