1. Entrapass Special Edition Serial Number Search
  2. Entrapass Corporate Edition Download
  3. Entrapass Special Edition Manual
  4. Entrapass Special Edition Serial Number Lookup

The latest version of Tyco Kantech EntraPass security management software launches further simplifies how users remotely access the EntraPass go mobile app.

EntraPass Special Edition is security management software for a single workstation with the ability to control a single door with the KT-1, up to 128 doors with KT-100/KT-300 and up to 256 doors with KT-400 door controllers. The software is comprehensive and menu-driven. It is easy to learn and operate. Access Control and Security Management Software User Manual DN1926‐1204/ Version 5.01. EntraPass Special Edition Single Workstation Security Management Software Single Workstation System EntraPass Special Edition is a single workstation security software. It controls up to 128 card readers with KT-100/KT-300 andupto256cardreaderswithKT-400 door controllers. The software also includes a number of stand-alone utilities that allow. “EntraPass v7.30 is the link that puts modern, easy-to-understand and scalable access control technology into the hands of security administrators.” This latest edition of EntraPass offers several enhancements to the EntraPass go, EntraPass go Pass and EntraPass go Install apps. The latest version of EntraPass Security Management Software launches with new features developed to streamline scheduling for EntraPass Special Edition and installation compatibility. Now available in EntraPass Special Edition, Action Scheduler allows operators who are managing access control to create actions and tasks on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

With EntraPass v8.20, EntraPass go Pass mobile app users gain improved search capabilities and other efficient upgrades to deliver remote and real-time access. EntraPass go Pass requests will no longer be attached to a selected SmartLink, eliminating the need to configure every connection. Users will now be able to access any inbound connection with little to no obstacles.

Enhanced users/card search functionality is also a significant enhancement of EntraPass v8.20. Users will be able to search for a profile, while keeping the search menu open – eliminating the need to start each search fresh. This solves the previous pain point of having to reopen the search menu, if a user had clicked on the wrong profile.

This update also opens the EntraPass Security Management Software to macOS users. EntraPass v8.0 will be compatible with the High Sierra system or higher.

Additionally, EntraPass v8.20 includes an ‘email’ field in the CSV report exports, which will be particularly beneficial for hattrix partners. This feature allows a manager to easily choose a set of accounts/owners and export email addresses, along with additional account statistics.

An additional benefit of EntraPass v.8.20 with EntraPass go Pass mobile app is the ability to view exacqVision video in hattrix, with seamless connection, easier configuration and no port forwarding. By enabling this feature within the server, the need for IT involvement is eliminated and customers will be able to connect their exacqVision NVR to the hattrix system.

For a detailed list of features and benefits, please refer to the New Product Announcement.

Kantech - System Registration/Software Register
Notice to Installers
Read the following instructions carefully before you install, register or upgrade the EntraPass
application. For more details about installation, refer to the corresponding Reference Manual.
To install or upgrade the EntraPass application:
1 Insert the software CD-ROM in the CD drive. Select the Setup icon.
• If you are installing a new system, enter the Serial number (located in the CD-ROM pocket), then press OK. The OK button is enabled only when you have entered a valid Serial number.
• If you are upgrading an existing system, enter the Upgrade Serial Number written on the certificate, then enter the Registration Confirmation Code. The OK button is enabled only when you have entered both numbers.Kantech entrapass corporate edition download
NOTE: A database backup will be automatically performed during the upgrade process.
2 To obtain the Registration Confirmation Code you may:
• Call Kantech Customer support service at 1(450) 444-2030 or 1 888 222-1560 (US & Canada).
• For other countries or regions, consult our Web site (http://www.kantech.com) to find your customer support center.
3 Follow the instructions that appear on screen. At the end of the installation, you have to restart your computer.
To register the system (for EntraPass Corporate and Global Editions only)
1 Click the Server icon on the computer desktop. In the Server main window, click the Login/Logout icon.
2 Enter the 20-character password in the Operator login screen. The OK button is enabled when you have entered the correct password.
3 In the System Registration screen, click the Temporary password in use (...) (yellow button) to register the system. Enter the Registration Confirmation Code to activate your system. The OK button is enabled when you have entered the correct Registration Confirmation Code.
4 To obtain the system Registration Confirmation Code you may:
• Call Kantech Customer support service at 1(450) 444-2030 or 1 888 222-1560 (US & Canada).
• For other countries or regions, consult our Web site (http://www.kantech.com) to find your customer support center.
5 Use the Installation Codes displayed in the System Registration window and your original CD to install the system’s basic components.

Entrapass Corporate Edition Download

Entrapass Special Edition Manual

6 Use the Backup utility to save your system data before you update or configure the system database.

Entrapass Special Edition Serial Number Lookup

Kantech - System Registration/Software Register