Marantz Serial Number Lookup

Marantz Speaker Serial Number Lookup

The Marantz 1060 is a stereo console amplifier featuring three line inputs, one phono input and a tape loop. The amplifier section is split into pre and power sections which can split for use with an external processor. I have a Marantz NR1607 with serial number from July 2017. During an automatic update of Firmware requested by the receiver today I had a power issue in the. Marantz supports in providing information such as locating qualified and contracted service agents as well as the Marantz service policy and links to third parties. Click here to read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). Marantz founded the Marantz Company in 1953. Although others certainly aided the early growth of the consumer electron-ics industry (orthe “hi fi” business, as it was then known), perhaps no one was as recognized for his passionate pursuit of high quality sound reproduction as was Saul B. As is the case with many people, Saul’s.

Marantz Serial Number

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On these pages, you'll find a great deal of information, as well as images for Marantz Receivers, Tuners, Amplifiers, Preamplifiers, Consoles, Integrated Amplifiers, Turntables and Tape Decks. Please surf around the site and check everything out, particularly the FAQ and the Tips and Tricks pages, which contain all kinds of little nuggets of information.

If you have any additional knowledge of any kind about any of the units mentioned here (or not mentioned here!), I would very much appreciate it if you would EMAIL that information to me so I can improve the pages for the benefit of all Marantz Classics fans.

These pages are generated from a custom database I designed. The database is set up such that any specification or feature can be added for any unit or units. Because of this, over time I have been able to create a detailed online resource, always increasing in accuracy, for all Marantz Classic lovers. I continue to work constantly to gather up everything I can find out, and with your help, I can do even better. If you own a particular unit, or have the the specifications (in your manual), then please send anything along that you don't see listed for your unit(s). I'll add anything I can learn about any unit you see here. When you're browsing the database, each unit has an email link that will format an email specifically about that unit from you directly to me.

Finally, if you have a unit that is not listed here, and it's 1980 or earlier let me know and I'll add it to the database. You can easily identify these units, as they do not have any letter prefixes on the model number such as PM or SR.

I hope you enjoy visiting the site as much as I do developing it. Thank you for stopping by, and come back often - new information is added almost every day.

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Marantz Serial Number Lookup

Typical Problems Due to Component Degradation
Specific to Marantz 16 and 16B
Most of the typical problems that occur with the Marantz 16 and the Marantz 16B amps are due to component degradation. The speaker relay goes into protection prematurely, long before it should or at lower power levels. Upon turn-on, the relay energizes early or late. Other problems are: poor frequency response, high IM and THD, noise, early clip, high offset, parasitic oscillations, insufficient bias, bias fluctuations, and insufficient cooling due to dirt build-up.
Open and leaky capacitors are often found, as well as, zener diode failure, out of tolerance resistors (as much as 100% or more), and loss of chassis grounds. This ground loss is due to anodizing of the screw holes from the factory. So far, I've never seen a Marantz 16 or 16B without some of the carbon composition resistors out of tolerance.
Other common problems are: dirty pots, excessive build-up of dirt around the predrivers (these transistors are running close to their maximum dissipation), dirty relay contacts (silver sulfate), and solder connections that have become weak due to the high temperature of a few resistors on the TO-3 boards. Rarely are the silver micas, polyester, or mylar caps found to be defective. However, these will be checked, and replaced if found defective. A few 16s have had loose transformer bolts. And, in one case where the nuts actually fell off.