1. Pacu Orientation Manual
  2. Pacu Orientation Manual Wellington Regional

Authorize Professional Nursing, Inc. To release this PACU RN Skills Checklist to Client facilities of Professional Nursing, Inc. In consideration of my assignment to work at those facilities. Signature Date. Title: Microsoft Word - 3D6D4A25-66D6-C8B2.doc Author: www. Competency based orientation  Defines skills and expectations required to perform the job safely and effectively  Provides a “blueprint” for performance excellence  Evaluates performance and identifies skill and competency gaps  Defines resources available to aid new staff in meeting expectations  Provides a “map” for ongoing direction and support  Describes expectations of preceptor for.

Hello and welcome to the Holding Room/PACU, located on the 3rd floor of Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital (VUAH).

Pacu Orientation Manual

The environment on our unit is friendly and family-oriented. Leadership is supportive of personal and professional staff growth. We have many highly experienced nurses with ICU backgrounds. Staff is very supportive of each other. They readily welcome and share their knowledge with all new nurses. They are always eager to help and “pitch in” when needed.

  1. Improve Your Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes The Perinatal Orientation and Education Program, Fourth Edition (POEP4) is highly effective in providing evidence-based, clinical education to perinatal nurses. POEP helps to mitigate patient risk, increase staff efficiency, and promote optimal obstetric outcomes while saving your healthcare system time and money. With POEP, your facility can.
  2. ORIENTATION MANUAL. Please read this orientation manual in its entirety. Although it is lengthy, it is filled with the. PACU -6250 SDS -3221 -6252 GI Lab -6049.

We care for adult patients who electively or emergently are having surgery.
Our patients may be having a simple procedure that allows them to go home the same day or maybe undergoing very complex surgeries that will require them to be cared for in an intensive care setting. Surgery is a unique place in healthcare. After surgery, patients’ lives are changed.

Pacu Orientation Manual Wellington Regional

There are many advantages to working in VOR Holding/PACU. New Graduate Nurses receive support from experienced Clinical Staff Leaders and staff. We have a flexible scheduling system with a variety of 9, 10, and 12-hour shifts. Staff can have the opportunity to connect with multiple patients and families every day and at the most vulnerable and critical time in their lives.

Our nurses are successful because we maintain a strong Shared Governance structure. Our Unit Board meets every month. Staff work with leadership addressing all aspects of their practice to improve the care of patients/families and increase satisfaction in their work environment.

Our approach to the orientation of new nurses to the VOR Holding Room/PACU is competency-based. New nurses are provided with a 12-week orientation with a dedicated preceptor.

OrientationPacu Orientation Manual

We encourage professional growth.

Pacu orientation manual

Professional development, opportunities, and interests are discussed during orientation and throughout the year during performance conversations.
If you have any questions about our unit, please email diane.johnson@vumc.org or visit Work at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to explore open nursing positions.

Unit/Area Index

Pacu orientation manual


NEW! Johns Hopkins Medicine is hiring contractual physicians with immediate start dates to staff various COVID-19 units across select Baltimore sites. Physicians will provide bedside care in the ICU under the supervision of a Johns Hopkins faculty intensivist. Day and nocturnal options are available. Internal medicine physicians and fellows with experience in academic medical centers are preferred. Emergency medicine, family medicine and critical care physicians, as well as anesthesiologists and surgeons will be considered. To apply, please email your CV to SurgeFaculty@jhmi.edu.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Health System remains committed to providing the highest quality care for our patients and our communities. We encourage you to explore our current opportunities, as we are still hiring and conducting phone or virtual interviews. Together, we’ll continue to deliver on The Promise of Medicine by working through these unprecedented circumstances.